En discussion depuis les années 80, le paradigme de la pensée complexe ou systémique gagne du terrain dans le milieu éducatif depuis quelques années. Les activistes des ONG commencent également à y voir un potentiel réel pour le changement positif et des solutions durables dans divers contextes.

Systems thinking : critical thinking skills for the 1990s and beyond. Barry Richmond, 1993

The problems that we currently face have been stubbornly resistant to solution, particularly unilateral solution. As we are painfully discovering, there is no way to ...

3 modes of thinking: lateral, divergent and convergent thought. Teach Thought Staff, August, 2017

A core tenet of humanity is our ability to think critically and with imagination and creativity. Therefore, it makes sense that our ability and decision ...

50 questions every student should be able to answer. Terry Heick, May 24, 2018

50 questions every student should be able to answer before they graduate high school Read more… ...

Teaching for complex thinking: Depth of knowledg. Aaron Willis, January 30, 2018

How do educators create the ideal mix of content coverage while at the same time training students to think and analyze novel situations? Read more… ...

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